source/example/example.d(26,7): Error: `@safe` function `main.allocator` cannot call `@system` function `` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/stdc/stdlib.d(164,9): `` is declared here source/example/example.d(29,16): Error: `@safe` function `main.allocator` cannot call `@system` function `core.stdc.stdlib.realloc` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../druntime/import/core/stdc/stdlib.d(162,9): `core.stdc.stdlib.realloc` is declared here source/wrend/vm.d(42,24): Error: cannot take address of parameter `config` in `@safe` function `this` source/wrend/wren.d(49,26): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `__funcliteral1` of type `extern (C) void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* text) nothrow @system` to `extern (C) void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* text) nothrow` source/wrend/wren.d(49,26): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `__funcliteral1` of type `extern (C) void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* text) nothrow @system` to `extern (C) void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* text) nothrow` source/wrend/wren.d(57,31): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `__funcliteral2` of type `extern (C) void* function(void* memory, ulong newSize) nothrow @nogc @system` to `extern (C) void* function(void* pointer, ulong size) nothrow` source/wrend/wren.d(57,31): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `__funcliteral2` of type `extern (C) void* function(void* memory, ulong newSize) nothrow @nogc @system` to `extern (C) void* function(void* pointer, ulong size) nothrow` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.